Friday, January 3, 2014

Meditations on Your Physical Family, Spiritual Family, & Extended Family

Thank you for my family & friends on the physical plane
Thank you for my divine & higher self
Thank you for my guardian angel
Thank you for my spirit guides
Thank you for my animal power spirits

Be grateful for the people in your life.
You attract them.
Be clear about why they are there.
If you have people in you life that no longer serve your highest good, let them go.
Be grateful for your various relationships with others.
Intend on creating healthy, clear, fun, and mutually beneficial ones.

Positive Affirmations:
Every day I experience more love in my life.
I serve others to the best of my ability in all I say and do.
I allow people to be any way they want to be. I accept and love others unconditionally.
Everything I give others honors and acknowledges their worth.
I recognize love or the need for love behind every word that is spoken to me. I always respond with love.
I listen to others with a silent mind. I hear what is going on beneath their words.
I focus on what is good and loving in other people, thus contributing to their ability to experience themselves in a more positive way.

Learn more, visit "The Magic of Shamanism" -

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